Erre a videóra FayeFaye hívta fel a figyelmem, köszi.
Loki mindenütt! Csajok, fanok, kössétek fel a bugyit!
A jelenetek a Thor, Thor 2 és Bosszúállók filmekből vágták össze.
Az alkotók így jellemzik:
My goal was to chronicle the character development of Loki into a single narrative. You’ll notice I took out a lot fluff and even some beloved fight scenes, only because I was trying to focus the film on Loki and his relationships. I also inserted all of the relevant deleted scenes (you’ll notice that they haven’t been fully rendered and mixed), several of which add great depth to his story and family dynamics. A big challenge was bridging the end of Thor and the beginning of The Avengers, explaining Loki’s exile and involvement with the Tesseract *before* he portals to earth. I created a montage to kinda show all that, even pulling a clip from Guardians of the Galaxy. …
The opening scene of my edit is a flash forward to a contemplative, imprisoned Loki, spliced with footage from Tom Hiddleston’s screen test when he auditioned for Thor’s character, aptly capturing Loki’s jealousy (the duality between them is really the meat of this film, hence the title Loki: Brother of Thor). Then there’s a bit of a scary awakening from the character that *probably* haunts Loki’s dreams.
(Forrás: io9)
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